Everyday Activities That Can Affect Your Gums

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Dietary habits, oral practices, and lifestyle choices all have a significant impact on gum health. Understanding the role of sugary foods, sticky snacks, poor oral hygiene, and unhealthy habits like smoking and teeth grinding is essential to avoid gum problems.

Dietary Habits Affecting Gum Health

Dietary habits are an important factor that significantly affects your oral health. Here are some dietary habits you should avoid to maintain healthy teeth and gums:

  • Sugary Foods: Foods containing sugar are among the biggest threats to dental health. Sugar is converted into acid by microorganisms in the mouth, causing dental cavities by weakening tooth enamel.1
  • Sticky Foods: Sticky foods like dried fruits and candies cling to the teeth longer, providing a sustained source of sugar for microorganisms and increasing the risk of dental cavities.2
  • Sports Drinks and Energy drinks: These beverages are highly acidic and packed with sugar. The acidity can wear down tooth enamel, reaching the softer dentin beneath, weakening teeth, and making them more prone to cavities.3
  • Chewing Gums: Constantly chewing gums can place excessive pressure on the jaw joints, muscles, and teeth, leading to overstress, imbalance, and misalignment. This can result in clicking or popping of the joints, headaches, jaw discomfort, and even tooth fractures.4

Oral Habits and Behaviors

To maintain healthy gums, it’s not just about what you eat, but also how you care for your teeth and gums daily. Here are some oral habits and behaviors that can significantly impact gum health.

  • Nail Biting: Frequent nail biting can cause dental issues. Biting down on hard nails can lead to small fractures in your teeth, especially when done with force. Over time, this can result in chipped or cracked teeth, which may require dental care such as fillings or crowns to restore them.5
  • Chewing Ice: Although seemingly safe, chewing ice can lead to long-term dental problems. While enamel is the hardest substance in the body, it can still be affected. Chewing ice can cause tiny cracks in the enamel, which can grow over time, eventually leading to tooth fractures.6
  • Using Teeth as Tools: Using your teeth to open bags, remove tags, or hold tools such as scissors, pins, nails, or screws can cause significant injury. Hard or sharp objects can chip or crack your teeth and even cut into your gums or cheeks.7

Lifestyle Factors Impacting Gum Health

Lifestyle factors, such as smoking, stress management, and intense workouts, can have a significant impact on gum health.

  • Smoking: Smoking weakens the immune system, making gums more vulnerable to irritation and sensitivity. It reduces the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the gums, impairing their ability to heal and leading to severe gum problems and tooth loss over time. The more cigarettes you smoke, the greater your risk for gum problems.8
  • Poor stress management: Poor stress management can negatively affect oral health by increasing the risk of teeth grinding and clenching, which can cause gum problems and intensify irritation.
  • Intense workouts: Intense workouts, especially those involving heavy lifting or causing dehydration, can contribute to dry mouth by reducing saliva production, leaving gums more susceptible to microorganism buildup and irritation.

Oral Hygiene Practices

Oral hygiene plays a huge role in maintaining overall dental health, but certain practices can cause more serious problems. Understanding the impact of these practices is essential for achieving effective oral care:

  • Over-aggressive Brushing: Over-aggressive brushing can wear down enamel, leaving teeth vulnerable to cavities, temperature sensitivity, and other dental problems.9
  • Excessive Brushing: Excessive brushing can cause irritation and sensitivity of the gums, leading to gum problems over time. Additionally, brushing too frequently can disrupt the natural balance of microorganisms in the mouth, further contributing to oral health problems.10
  • Improper Brushing Techniques: Improper brushing techniques can lead to significant oral health complications. When brushing is done incorrectly, it may fail to remove plaque effectively, allowing microorganisms to build up on the teeth. Additionally, improper techniques can lead to gum irritation and enamel wear, further compromising oral health.11

Frequently Asked Questions.

Can chewing on ice cause gum problems?

Chewing ice, whether you crunch on cubes or crushed ice, can cause tiny cracks in the enamel that covers the teeth. Over time, these cracks can grow and expose the inner layers of the teeth, resulting in sensitive teeth.12

Can aggressive brushing injure gums?

Yes, aggressive brushing can injure the gums. It can wear down gum tissue, making it easier for microorganisms to grow and cause irritation. Therefore, it’s important to brush gently to avoid injuring the gums.13

How do sugary and acidic foods affect gums?

Sugary foods attract microorganisms that cause gum problems by affecting the protective tissues that hold your teeth in place14. Acidic foods can weaken gum tissue and enamel, potentially leading to gum irritation and sensitivity.15


1.  https://www.dentaliva.eu/the-effect-of-dietary-habits-on-oral-health

2. https://chestnutdental.com/blog/diet-and-its-impact-on-oral-health/

3. https://www.emerson-dental.com/how-sports-drinks-affect-your-dental-health/

4. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/is-chewing-gum-bad-for-you

5. https://www.primarydental.com/dental-care/how-nail-biting-effects-oral-health/#:~:text=Conclusion,the%20effects%20are%20wide%2Dreaching

6. https://healthcare.utah.edu/healthfeed/2023/06/love-chewing-ice-its-not-good-your-teeth#:~:text=Chewing%20ice%20can%20cause%20long,and%20eventually%20fracture%20the%20tooth

7.  https://www.deltadental.com/us/en/protect-my-smile/oral-health-habits/why-you-shouldnt-use-your-teeth-as-tools.html#:~:text=Holding%20scissors%2C%20pins%2C%20nails%2C,into%20your%20cheeks%20or%20gums

8. https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/campaign/tips/diseases/periodontal-gum-disease.html

9. https://bweisshealth.com/blogs/oral-health-blog/brushing-teeth-too-hard-the-hidden-dangers-of-aggressive-oral-care

10. https://www.kingwooddentistry.com/post/hard-brushing-cause-gum-disease/#:~:text=The%20Connection%20Between%20Hard%20Brushing,popular%20name%20for%20gum%20disease

11. https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/propertoothbrushingtechniques/complications/

12. https://wincdental.com/stop-chewing-ice/#:~:text=Even%20if%20your%20teeth%20themselves,tubules%2C%20resulting%20in%20sensitive%20teeth

13. https://www.kingwooddentistry.com/post/hard-brushing-cause-gum-disease/#:~:text=Aggressive%20brushing%20can%20also%20wear,the%20risk%20of%20gum%20disease

14. https://utknoxvilledentists.com/how-does-sugar-affect-your-teeth/#:~:text=Sugar%20attracts%20bad%20bacteria,hold%20your%20teeth%20into%20place

15. https://www.dentistsonthegoldcoast.com.au/6-foods-that-damage-your-gums/#:~:text=Acidic%20Foods,rinse%20your%20mouth%20with%20water