Facts about gum disease

The facts
about Gum Disease

Healthy gums are important to overall health.

Periodontitis is the inflammation of the periodontium (the tissue that supports the tooth into the bone). It is one of the most common oral diseases.

First signs are often recognised too late, and failing to address the problem in time can have irreparable consequences. The health of your gums and teeth can also have an effect on your general wellbeing.

Healthy gums

Healthy Gums
  • Pale pink
  • Firmly attached to the tooth
  • No bleeding

Unhealthy gums

Unhealthy gums
  • Reddened
  • Swollen
  • Bleeds easily when touched.
  • Plaque can be visible / accumulates between tooth and gum

Ignoring a problem only makes it worse

If the inflammation of the gums is not stopped, it can spread to the bone and gradually affect the structures that support the tooth, eventually leading to tooth loss.

Chronic gum inflammation could also have general implications in relation to health problems like diabetes or heart and respiratory diseases.


Plaque as cause of inflammation of the gums

A healthy oral cavity is normally colonised by 400 - 1000 varieties of bacteria living together in a balanced complex association predominately in the dental plaque. Gingivitis or periodontitis develop when the bacterial balance is disturbed as a result of inadequate dental hygiene.

The cause of periodontal problems is always the accumulation of bacteria in dental plaque. If the initially soft plaque is not removed during dental care, it will harden through the deposition of minerals: Calculus (tartar) will develop.